Unsent Messages To Robert (unsent messages to robert)

I’m sure you have a lot of questions. You’re probably wondering why I haven’t replied to your messages, why I left so suddenly. Robert, I need you to know that it wasn’t anything you did. This is something I have to do.

Unsent Messages To Andrew (unsent messages to andrew)

We all have that one person in our lives who we’ve never told how we really feel. For some, it’s because the timing was never right. For others, it’s because they were never given the chance. But what if you had the opportunity to say everything you ever wanted to this person? Would you take it?

In Andrew Marchese’s new book, “Unsent Messages”, he does just that. After years of holding in his feelings for his best friend, Andrew finally gets the chance to tell her how he really feels. And it’s everything he ever hoped for.