Why I Didn’t Send A Message To Maria (unsent message maria)

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had that one person who you wanted to message, but never got around to it. For me, that person was Maria. We had so much in common and I really wanted to get to know her better, but I never sent that message. Here’s why.

The Unsent Message To Lydia (unsent message to lydia)

If you’re anything like me, you have a list of people in your life that you need to apologize to. For me, one of those people is my older sister. We used to be so close, but we had a huge fight when we were teenagers and we haven’t talked since. Recently, I’ve been thinking about her a lot and I decided that it’s finally time to reach out and try to patch things up. So, this is the unsent message to Lydia that I hope will finally help us heal our rift.

Unsent Messages To Virginia (unsent messages to virginia)

If you’re like most people, you have at least one message in your phone that you’ve never sent. Whether it’s a text to an ex or a group chat with friends, we all have something we wish we could say but never do. Well, today is your day. We’re giving you the platform to say what you’ve always wanted to.

How To Submit An Unsent Project (unsent project submit)

If you’re anything like me, you’ve started a project and then abandoned it for weeks (or months). Maybe it’s that book you’ve been meaning to write, or the blog you’ve been wanting to start. Whatever it is, it’s sitting there, unfinished and gathering dust. But it doesn’t have to be that way! With a few simple steps, you can submit that unsent project and finally cross it off your to-do list.