Unsent Messages To Mariam (unsent messages to mariam)

Although she’s gone, I still find myself typing out messages to Mariam. Sometimes they’re long and heartfelt, other times they’re just a few words. But I always feel better after sending them into the ether, even though I’ll never get a response.

How To Send An Unsent Message To Josie (unsent messages to josie)

There’s nothing worse than having something important to say, but not being able to say it. Whether it’s because you’re too shy, or the timing is just never right, there are plenty of reasons why someone might not be able to say what they’re thinking. But what if there was a way to send an unsent message? To finally tell Josie how you feel, without ever having to say a word? Well, there is! Here’s how to send an unsent message to Josie.

The Unsent Message To Caroline (unsent message to caroline)


I’m sorry for the way things ended between us. I know I was supposed to be the one who was there for you, but I wasn’t. And I know that I can never take that back or make it up to you. But I want you to know that I’m thinking of you and that I’m sorry.

I hope you’re doing well.