Unsending A Message To Carla: Implications And Consequences (unsent messages to carla)


I’m sorry.

I know that I said some things that I shouldn’t have and that I hurt you. I was angry and I lashed out, but I didn’t mean any of it. I was just upset and I took it out on you.

I know that you’re probably still mad at me and you have every right to be. But I just wanted to say that I’m sorry and that I hope we can move past this.


Your friend

Unsent Message To Makayla (unsent message to makayla)


I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting lately. I know I’ve been distant and short with you, and I hate myself for it. I don’t deserve your patience or your kindness, but I promise I’m going to get better. I’m going to get help, and I’ll be the Makayla’s friend again. I hope you can forgive me.

(unsent message angelina)

  What is an unsent message angelina When you see the word “unsent,” you might think of something that was never meant to be seen or heard. But in the case of an unsent message angelina, this refers to a special type of messenger who delivers messages that were never sent. This might sound like … Read more