Guidelines For Submitting To The Unsent Project (how to submit to the unsent project)

Guidelines For Submitting To The Unsent Project

If you’ve ever felt like your voice wasn’t being heard, or like your story didn’t matter, the Unsent Project is for you.


How do I submit to the Unsent Project

The Unsent Project is a fantastic way to get your voice out there and be heard! You can submit anything from short stories and poems, to articles and even videos. It’s a great platform for anyone who wants to share their work with the world, and it’s completely free to do so.

To submit to the Unsent Project, simply go to their website and click on the ‘Submit’ tab. From there, you’ll be able to fill out a form with your name, email address, and your submission. Once you’ve hit ‘submit’, your work will be sent off into the ether and you’ll be one step closer to becoming a published author!


What are the guidelines for submission

If you have something to say that falls in line with our mission statement, we’d love to hear from you. We accept submissions on a rolling basis and try to respond within two weeks.

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We are currently seeking submissions for the following themes:

-How has your job changed since the pandemic?
-What is your favorite memory from childhood?
-How have you been coping with quarantine?
-What are your thoughts on the current state of the world?
-Do you have any tips or advice for people struggling with mental health?

If you have an article, essay, or creative piece that you think would be a good fit for our blog, please submit it via the form below. Include a brief bio and a headshot, and feel free to link to your website or social media accounts. We look forward to reading your submissions!


How often can I submit

There is no limit on how often you can submit.


What types of submissions are accepted

There are many types of submissions that are accepted by journals, magazines, and other publications. Some examples include:

– Articles
– Essays
– Stories
– Poetry
– Photography
– Letters to the editor

Each publication will have its own guidelines for submissions, so be sure to check those before sending anything in.


How long should my submission be

Submissions to the blog section should be around 800 words.


Do I need to be a professional writer to submit

No, you don’t need to be a professional writer to submit to our blog. We accept submissions from all types of writers, including amateurs and professionals.


What is the purpose of the Unsent Project

The Unsent Project is a social media campaign that encourages people to write letters to their loved ones and then share them online. The purpose of the project is to encourage people to express their feelings and connect with their loved ones. The project was started by two friends, Emily and Sara, who were inspired by the power of letter-writing to connect with others.

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What happens to my submission once it’s sent in

When you submit your work to a journal, it will go through an initial screening process by the editorial staff. If your submission is selected for further review, it will be sent out to experts in the field (known as peer reviewers) who will provide feedback on the quality of your work. Based on the feedback from the peer reviewers, the editorial staff will make a decision on whether to accept or reject your submission.


Can I receive feedback on my submission

We love giving feedback here at the blog section! In fact, we thrive on it! Whether you’re looking for feedback on your submission or just want to get a general sense of what people think, feel free to post away!


Who started the Unsent Project

The Unsent Project is a collection of letters written by people from all over the world who have experienced love and loss. The project was started in 2013 by Emily Trunko, a writer and artist based in Brooklyn, New York. Trunko came up with the idea for the project after she found a box of unsent love letters written by her late grandfather. The project is meant to be a space for people to share their own stories of love and loss, and to connect with others who have experienced similar things.