Lilly Messaging: Frequently Asked Questions (unsent messages to lilly)

Lilly Messaging: Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re one of the millions of people who use messaging apps like Lilly, you probably have some questions about how they work. In this article, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about messaging apps.


How do I know if Lilly has read my message

It’s easy to tell if Lilly has read your message – just look for the blue checkmark next to your message in the conversation. If the checkmark is there, that means she’s seen it.


What if I accidentally sent a message to the wrong person

If you accidentally send a message to the wrong person, there is no need to panic. The first thing you should do is check to see if the message was actually sent to the wrong person. If it was, then you can simply apologize and explain what happened. In most cases, the person you sent the message to will understand and forgive you. However, if you are worried about the repercussions of sending a message to the wrong person, you can always delete the message before they have a chance to read it.

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How do I delete a message on Lilly

If you want to delete a message on Lilly, first open the conversation in which the message is located. Then, hover your mouse over the message you want to delete and click the “x” that appears on the right side of the message. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the message; click “Delete” to confirm.


How do I block someone on Lilly

If you want to block someone on Lilly, open the conversation with the person you want to block. Then, click on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen. From there, select “Block.”


How do I report someone on Lilly

If you believe someone is violating the Community Guidelines, you can report them to Lilly. To do so:

1. Visit the profile of the person you want to report
2. Click the three dots in the top right corner of their profile
3. Select “Report” from the drop-down menu
4. Follow the on-screen instructions


What happens to my messages when I deactivate my account on Lilly

When you deactivate your account on Lilly, your messages are no longer accessible. This means that you will not be able to see or retrieve any of your past messages. If you have any important messages that you need to keep, we recommend exporting them before deactivating your account.


How do I know if someone has blocked me on Lilly

If you’re wondering whether someone has blocked you on Lilly, there are a few tell-tale signs. First, you’ll no longer be able to see their profile picture or status updates. Second, their username will no longer appear in your list of contacts. Lastly, you won’t be able to send them any messages – even if you could before. If you notice all of these things, it’s safe to say that you’ve been blocked.

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Can I send a message to someone who isn’t my friend on Lilly

Yes, you can send a message to someone who isn’t your friend on Lilly. To do so, you’ll need to use the messaging feature on the site. To start a new message, simply click on the “Messages” link in the top navigation bar. From there, you’ll be able to search for the person you want to message by their username. Once you’ve found the person you want to message, simply click on their username and type your message in the box that appears.


If I send a message to someone on Lilly and they don’t respond, will they get notified

If you send a message to someone on Lilly and they don’t respond, they won’t get notified.


Is there a limit to how many messages I can send on Lilly

Yes, there is a limit to how many messages you can send on Lilly. You can only send up to 10 messages per day.